Loading Kafka data into Greenplum

Large volume of enterprise data are stored on data lakes such as Kafka platform You need to load these data into Greenplum so you can discover the insights and generate analytics.

This repository demonstrates how to use Streamsets to load Kafka data into Greenplum.

Pivotal Greenplum

The Pivotal Greenplum Database (GPDB) is an advanced, fully featured, open source data warehouse. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes. Uniquely geared toward big data analytics, Greenplum Database is powered by the world’s most advanced cost-based query optimizer delivering high analytical query performance on large data volumes. https://pivotal.io/pivotal-greenplum


StreamSets software delivers performance management for data flows that feed the next generation of big data applications. Its mission is to bring operational excellence to the management of data in motion, so that data continually arrives on-time and with quality, empowering business-critical analysis and decision-making. https://streamsets.com/